
Creating Old, Worn Artwork (for FREE)

I needed to create some cheap, easy artwork to hang above my son's bed.  Originally, I was just going to frame pictures of boats, but instead decided to use "boat design plans".

To do this, first find some images you like online & print them out.

Next, wad them in a ball several times to create creases.

Then, smooth them out and paint over them with a mixture of brown paint & water.

Carefully blot the picture with a dry paper towel, being careful not to rub or rip it.

Let it sit until it's completely dry.  (I usually leave mine to dry in the sunshine.)

Here's the final product:

I definitely think it looks better than something printed on a plain piece of paper!  Not too bad for free artwork!  (I already had the frame.)

Happy Easter!

I'll be linking up here: