
Picture Perfect Mother's Day

Okay, so I know Mother's Day has come & gone, without a mention from me!  I felt weird posting about it, since it can be a sad time for some. 

Last year was a really hard Mother's Day for me.  I suffered a miscarriage in October of 2009 at nearly ten weeks pregnant.  The baby was due on May 15th of 2010, but I would have been scheduled to be induced prior to that.  Anyway, our church always has baby dedication on Mother's Day.  It didn't hit me, until they began the dedication service that I most likely would have been up there with my baby, had I not miscarried.  I felt the heartbreak all over again.  I began sobbing uncontrollably, and we ended up having to leave church early.  I couldn't handle it. 

Although I already have two children, the loss of this baby was no less difficult.  I think about it often, and am lucky to have hope that I will get to meet my third child in Heaven!

I didn't want to post this on an already difficult day for many, but thought I would share it today.  My husband created these digital photo collages for me for the Mother's Day after each of my children was born.  (Okay, so I think he made Zeke's for my second Mother's Day!)

I'm pretty sure I will always have a place for these to hang in my house!  They are some of my very favorite gifts!  (Although I do really like the patio set I got this year!)