
Halloween 2011

So, this Halloween, I came up with some great costume ideas for my children!  I guess I will have to file those ideas away until next year, since we didn't end up having time to create them!  Finally, Thursday morning, we got everything straightened out & officially figured out who/what everyone was going to be for Halloween!  (Shew!)

I gave my son two choices, of which he chose to be...

a Thanksgiving dinner table!

This costume was super easy to create!  I just cut two squares out of cardboard & hot glued them together.  I also taped them together, for added security!  I cut a hole in the middle, large enough to fit Zeke's head, covered it with a tablecloth (which I also glued on) & cut the hole for the tablecloth.  I glued on some plates, cups, napkins, & silverware & cut out another piece of cardboard, which I covered in aluminum foil to represent the platter.  We found the turkey hat for $2.50 in the dollar section of Target about a month ago.  I wasn't even thinking about Halloween when I bought it!

Elie wanted to be a princess for Halloween.  I told her that we could call her "Princess Tryptophan" (the chemical in turkey that causes you to be sleepy) but she didn't really go for it!  I thought she would wear a gown my mom made for her, but after I cleaned out her closet, & the day before Halloween, she decided she wanted to wear this instead:

No one asked us what she was, which was good, since I wasn't exactly sure what to call her! 

About a week before Halloween, we carved our pumpkins.  Normally, we just let the kids draw faces on them & then cut them out.  This year, I thought it would be fun to let them pick out a template.  I thought they would enjoy picking out a character template & getting to help poke holes in their pumpkins with a screwdriver to transfer the design onto the pumpkin.

My husband had to get a bit creative when it came to cutting them out...

We were all very excited about how they turned out though!

{Zeke's scary ghost & Elie's Cinderella}

I hope you had a fun Halloween!