
Eight Years Ago...

Eight years ago (tomorrow) I walked into my doctor's office for a routine pregnancy check.  I was almost 39 weeks pregnant & not expecting any exciting news, knowing that first time moms usually deliver later than their due date.  With a sound of concern in his voice, my doctor said, "I'm going to check you again."  The sound in his voice made me nervous & I asked if everything was okay.  His response:  "You're seven centimeters dialated & you're smiling!  You need to get to the hospital!"

On my way home (Yes, I drove myself home before going to the hospital!) I called the school where my husband teaches, told them of my situation, & asked if I could speak to him.  When the secretary told him over the intercom that his wife was on the phone, Mark questioned aloud to his students, "I wonder why my wife is calling me during class?" to which they responded, "Maybe she's in labor!".  By that time, a sub had arrived at the door & Mark took off running down the hall, not even bothering to pick up the phone!  He called me back on his way out the door & I gave him the news.

We met up back at home, packed a bag, & headed to the hospital, after Mark persuaded me to stop cleaning up, as he did not want to deliver this baby at home! 

A few hours later, after a relatively easy, pain-free labor (Yes, I got an epidural at 10 centimeters because I was terrified of pushing this baby out of my body!) Ezekiel Allen arrived safely in my arms. 

It is so hard to believe that was eight years ago!  I remember it like it was yesterday!  The past eight years have definitely been full of challenges & lots of learning experiences (on both our part & Zeke's) but I wouldn't trade them for the world.  Okay, I take that back. 

After nearly four years of a healthy childhood, Zeke suddenly began having seizures.  It was absolutely terrifying, & we thought we were going to lose him a few times.  He was diagnosed with epilepsy & has to take nine pills a day just to control the seizures.  (It sounds like a lot, but we are very grateful that it's not worse.)  Anyway, if I could keep my Zeke, I would give those seizures back in a heartbeat!  We are still praying that he will grow out of his epilepsy, which is definitely a possibility.

The birthday boy has chosen to celebrate with a family party & a trip to an indoor waterpark!  (Which is exactly where this eight month pregnant lady wants to be seen!  Ha!  The things we do for love!)

Here is my handsome eight year old in his most recent school picture:

Happy Birthday Zeke!  (You know, in case he is ever perusing the internet & happens to find this post!)