
Quick Change

Does anyone remember that magic act on America's Got Talent called "Quick Change"?  The magician would quickly throw a cover over his assistant, & within seconds, she would have on a different outfit.  It was pretty amazing, although, that was pretty much their entire act, just different outfits every time they performed!

Today, I am sharing a quick change of my very own! 

I bought these dining chairs a few years ago from Value City Furniture, with the plan of adding slipcovers to them.  Time & money got away from me, & they ended up sitting in the dining room for a few years, looking like this:

{Naked Parson Chair}

I really love the look of linen colored slipcovers, but knowing the people that would be eating in the dining room, I figured a light color wasn't the best option.  (& also, I couldn't find an inexpensive linen slipcover!)  I found a great deal with these slipcovers from QVC for only $24.53 for two!  I decided to get them in taupe.

And...Abra Cadabra!  Here's my quick change:

{The chairs are much more comfortable clothed!}

Here's a reminder of what the dining room looked like with naked chairs:


And, here they are fully clothed:


The dining room is definitely coming along!  Click here for more dining room progress!

Thrifty Decor Chick