
Valentine's Day

I know Valentine's Day is over with, but I thought I would share some of the fun we had celebrating our love for each other!

Mark & I don't usually celebrate Valentine's Day as a couple...since having kids, it has become a fun little family holiday.  My husband usually humors me & goes along with my ideas, but doesn't take part in the planning or preparation, so imagine my surprise when I came downstairs to this:

Some how, he had managed to sneak out of the house & pick up heart-shaped donuts, a rose for me, the baby (the reason the two roses are surrounded with Baby's Breath!) & Eliana, & a toy car for Zeke. Although, it may seem like a small gesture to some of you, this made the kids & I feel so special!

{Chocolate Cream Filled Goodness}

You might think a five-year-old would have no interest in flowers, but our daughter loves hers!  Here she is dancing with it:

Okay, so I guess it's a little hard to tell she is dancing with it in this picture!  She has also given her flower a sticker from the grocery store!  Yesterday, it was wrapped in a blanket & this morning I walked into the family room to find it wearing a hat!

Sadly, the other flowers have taken a hit, but I'm okay with that, since she is enjoying her flower so much!  Oh, & please excuse the messy background!  Just keeping it real!

To make lunch a little more special, I cut the kids' PB&J sandwiches with a heart shaped cookie cutter & included a small jello heart.

I love these Ziploc containers for holding the kids lunches!  Since I usually pack a lunch for my son in the mornings, I have started making Elie's lunch at the same time, even though she eats it at home.  It is a huge time saver & she can easily get it out & start eating if she gets hungry a little early.

Mark was only home for a couple of hours after school, so we did our Valentine hunt before dinner this year.  I hid hearts with words on them around the house.  The kids had to find all the hearts, put them together to figure out the clue, & then go find their Valentine baskets based on the clue.

Since our Valentine's Day was packed with a dentist appointment, parties, & basketball practice, I decided to pick up a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store (yep, it was time for a marathon grocery run too!).  We also had heart-shaped jello jigglers, strawberries, green beans, strawberry milk, & heart-shaped Little Debbie brownies for dessert.  I had seen the idea to use chocolate to write a message around the heart somewhere, so I decided to do that to make it a little more unique!

{Dinner by candle light with my two little sweethearts!}

Not bad for a quick Valentine's meal!

So, do you celebrate this holiday as a couple, or as a family?  Do you have any fun Valentine's Day traditions?  I'd love to hear them!