
Secretary Feature & Why I'm So Tired!

I would like to thank Courtney at French Country Cottage for featuring my secretary makeover.  I failed to mention in my post that I found it on Craigslist for $75!  Others on Craiglist were priced around $250, so I feel that I got a GREAT deal!

Be sure to visit Courtney's blog.  It's not too late to link up to her Feathered Nest Friday party!

On another note, I haven't been doing the blogging thing much this week (other than my pre-scheduled posts) since I decided to complicate my life by starting two big projects at the same time!  (Why do I do this to myself???)  By morning I have been working on staining the deck (Three days down & about four to go...who knew it would take SO long...) and by night I have been adding dirt, flowers, & mulch to the front landscaping.  (We can finally cross something off our list, but you'll have to wait until next week to see it!)

I'm taking a break from the deck today, since the forecast calls for thunderstorms.  Instead, I will be taking the next 2 & 1/2 days to deep clean & organize the house, as we have company coming on Sunday!  Let's just say the dishes haven't been loaded in the dishwasher for two days & my kids emptied the recycling container on the kitchen floor to make something for the "carnival" they were having while I was busy staining the deck! 

Well, I just heard Eliana say, "Zeke, do you want to play carnival again?".  Better go before they empty out the garbage can!!