
Summer Projects Updated

Despite my lack of blogging, we have been whittling away at some of our summer projects!  I wanted to wait to post some of the updates until they were prettied up, but since I've lost steam for several of these projects (due to the heat) I have decided to fore go my perfectionist ways & show you anyway!  (You know, since it may be next summer before we add the finishing touches!)

1. The fabric for the morning room curtains finally arrived!  Yay!  Now I just need to work up the courage to sew them!  I spent so much money on the fabric that I am procrastinating making them for fear of messing up & ruining them!  Yikes!  Hopefully, I'll have them finished by next week.

2. We are in the process of painting, cleaning, purging, & organizing the garage.  I'm hoping that this too, will be finished up within the week!  We just need to paint part of one wall & the ceiling & create a little extra storage.


3. We finished up the concrete work under the deck & my husband built a storage closet for the lawn equipment.  This definitely helped clear up some space in the garage!



I'll admit, it's not beautiful, but it functions very well for us!  Hopefully, the addition of some hanging plants, a bag of impatience hanging on the door, a large flower pot, & a porch swing will make it easier on the eye!  Those things will most-likely have to wait until next spring though! 


We chose to build a "storage closet" like this, instead of having a shed in our yard for a couple of reasons.  First, we hoped that this one would blend into our house...especially since our HOA doesn't allow sheds.  Shh!  Also, our yard is sloped, so it would have been difficult to set a pre-built shed on it, and we didn't want it to detract from our wooded views.  

Hopefully, we will be able to enjoy the patio more next spring!

4. We cleared out some of the brush from our woods & added a small zip line and a swing.  We still have some dead trees to chop down & some more brush to clear, but our chainsaw is currently being serviced, so hopefully, this too, will be finished up in a week or two! 



From this view, the swing looks a little crooked, but I can assure you it is level!  This area is at the side of our house, so it is out of sight from both the front & back views of the house.  The red picnic table was given to us by my mother-in-law a few years ago.  It stayed in the basement until we fixed up this area & I decided it would be a great place for the kids to sit & eat Popsicles or get a drink in the shade.  The bucket at the bottom of the tree behind the picnic table, is where the zip line starts.  The kids use the bucket to reach the handle bar.  It ends at the first tree the swing is attached to.  We didn't have any trees with big or low enough branches to hang the swing from, so we bolted a 2x10 into the tree & attached the swing to it.  I have a plan to make it look better, which I will share in a later post!  My mom made the hula-hoop tent & gave it to my daughter for her birthday, which you can see hanging in a tree behind the swing.

So far, we have made quite a bit of progress & hopefully within the next couple of weeks I can cross these projects completely off the list!

In case you are interested in the other projects on the list, you can find it here.