
Hidden Toy Storage

Someday, I will have a playroom in the basement filled with adorable baskets & bins of toys.  It will be a place for my children to proudly display their favorite toys & to feel free to play & create until their little hearts are content!

Unfortunately, that is not the case at the present.  Each child has a FEW toys in their bedrooms (dollhouse, tea set, stuffed animals, door basketball hoop) but most of the toys are housed in our family room.  (A few of the toys my kids have somewhat outgrown & the toys that are big live in the unfinished basement.)  Since the family room is connected to the kitchen & can't be closed off, I like to keep as many toys hidden as possible.  Today, I thought I would share with you some of the places I hide my kids' toys!

1. Many toys & games are hidden in the entertainment unit my husband built.

{Toys are in the cabinets & in the baskets on the bottom shelves.}

2. We also have toys stored in a shelving system, which is on a wall that is somewhat hidden.

{I had my hubby build these crates after the fabric bins became somewhat deformed.}

3. My son's trains & tracks are hidden in a basket ottoman.

{When the lid is on, this acts as a piece of furniture.}

4. Our couch sits a few feet away from the wall, so we have a few of the larger toys behind it.  You can only see them if you walk around behind the couch.

5. The final place I have toys hidden in the family room is under the couch & love seat.  When we bought our refrigerator, a shelf was cracked & the company kept sending us a snack drawer instead of the shelf we needed.  We ended up with two & one day it hit me to use them under the couch.  These store my daughter's Polly Pocket/princess type things & her Barbie stuff.  We also have some collapsible Polly Pocket houses & a Barbie car stored under this love seat.

Depending on the height underneath your couch, you could possibly use under bed storage or cut a box down to size.  We have also reused the zippered pouch a bedding set came in as under the couch storage.  This one contains a marble run & marbles.

I hope this post was helpful!  What are some ways you hide toys?  I'd love some new ideas!


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