
2011 Rooms Revealed

Here's a quick recap of the rooms I revealed on the blog this year, although some of them may be making a reappearance in 2012 with some updates!

The Study- This was the first room we completed in our new house.  I wanted our study to feel formal & "rich".  Now I'm realizing it feels outdated & stuffy!  I'm hoping we can update it some this year by adding new curtains, a desk chair, & painting & tweaking the cabinets to make them look like built-ins.

The Family Room- This room has come a long way, but it still feels a little too plain for me.  Eventually, I would love a mirror above the fireplace, two new sofas, beefier chairs next to the fireplace, & some art above them.  It's good enough for now though!

Nautical Boys Bedroom- I think this room turned out great!  The orange isn't quite as bold as it appears in these pictures!  I still would like a long wooden dresser in place of the blue armoire, but with a baby on the way & a list of projects a mile long, it isn't exactly a priority right now!

Pretty In Pink Girl's Room- I still really like this room too & I love to hear how much other little girls adore Eliana's bedroom!  I would love to replace the wicker chair with something more curvy & feminine, but again, it's not a priority right now!

Deck (So, this isn't technically a room, but I'm considering it an outdoor room!)  My husband built this deck from scratch & I am so pleased with how it turned out!  The patio table & umbrella was a Mother's Day gift.  I really enjoy eating as many meals out here as possible, especially since it means less clean up in the kitchen!

Garage- This was my most popular post for the year, mainly because of the storage we built between the studs.  You'll notice that small shelves between the studs contain outdoor toys like Frisbees, bubbles, & chalk.  Fishing poles, ores, & baseball bats were contained by simply nailing a slat across two studs to hold them in place.  My favorite (& yours too) was the bungee ball contraption that has saved both space & sanity when it comes to containing sports equipment.

Nature Play Scape (Again, not a real room, but I can consider it an outdoor playroom, right?)  Our back yard sits on a pretty steep slope, so we carved out a play space in a flatter portion of the woods in our side yard.  The play scape contains a zip line, sandbox, swing, & tent.  Nature gave the kids a balance beam when we cut a dead tree down, & of course there are plenty of trees for them to squirrel up!

Morning Room- This room took forever to complete, thanks to some lighting indecision, fabric for the curtains being back ordered, having to order more fabric after not buying enough, & then creating some really awful dummy curtain rods!  Thankfully it is done now, & I think it looks straight from the pages of Pottery Barn catalog!

I definitely think my style is beginning to change from what it was two years ago.  Pinterest definitely deserves a shout out for helping me better establish my style!  Hopefully, this year I will be able to add a little more of my new style & personality into these rooms & maybe I'll be able to get it right the first time, when it comes to the room reveals in 2012!  (But I'm not holding my breath on that one!)  Oh, if time & money were not an issue...

I'll be back Friday to share the top ten popular posts from the year!  Please come back & join me!  (Seriously, I'm begging you!)