I wanted to create a small seat for my daughter to use in front of the mirror above her nightstand. I picture her sitting there, brushing her hair, applying lip gloss, & sorting through her jewelry for just the right accessory to accompany the red plaid dress & pink fur vest she happens to be wearing! (You'll see what I mean!)
Anyway, a while back I had my husband make this little "table" for Elie's dollhouse:
Unfortunately, the table was too small for the front-heavy doll house to sit on & it would fall over if you even thought about breathing in it's direction! It all worked out though, because this became Elie's new bench seat!
Basically, to create the above, we just cut some plywood to the size we wanted, screwed in the "leg holders" (for lack of a better name) & then screwed in the legs. Pretty easy! You can see what I'm talking about in the picture below.
Then, I added a foam pad to the top & stapled fabric around it. As usual, my original plan of adding a tulle "tutu" like skirt to the bench didn't work out when I:
a.) Didn't buy enough fabric.
b.) Couldn't figure out how to "gather" with my sewing machine.
c.) Didn't have the time or patience to deal with a & b.
Enter idea number two...I decided to go back to Hobby Lobby, where ribbon was 50% off & stock up on white, pink, & lavender ribbons of different sizes. Most of the ribbon I bought came from the floral section. I took my ribbon home & spent about two hours cutting, melting the ends of the ribbons above a candle (so they don't fray), & hot gluing them to the wood. Finally, I glued another piece of ribbon around the seat to finish it off.
Here's the finished product:
And here it is in use, along with the red plaid dress & pink fur vest!
I really wanted a picture of Elie using it with her pink polka dot/leopard print pajamas that I love, but Zeke wanted in on the picture taking & I had to include it because they are just so stinking cute & sweet!
Come back Friday to see the whole room revealed (I'll be sure to camouflage that cord & finally cut that annoying tag off the bedding too!).