{Teacher Travel Mugs}
Last year, I bought a few "Color a Mug" travel cups from Dollar Tree. Then, I purchased some black & white polka dotted vinyl & hot pink vinyl stickers from Hobby Lobby. I traced the paper template from the cup onto the back of the vinyl & cut it out. Then, I added a vinyl letter sticker of the first letter of the teacher's last name to the black & white vinyl & inserted it into the cup. Inside the cup, I added a Starbuck's gift card & topped it with a hot pink bow to match.
I also gave the teachers a snowman ornament the kids made by putting their white hand print on a ball ornament & adding details to make the fingers look like snowmen.
{Snowmen Ornaments}
This year, as seems to be the theme, I decided to take a more simple route! I simply grabbed some takeout boxes from, where else, but Dollar Tree. I filled them with red shredded paper & a $5 gift card to Little Caesars (where you can get a large "Hot & Ready" pizza for $5 which includes tax!) & a $5 gift card to a local cupcake bakery.
{Take Out Teacher's Gift}
{The Wrapping}
I topped the boxes with an easy snowman ornament the kids made from a Popsicle stick. (We make ornaments every year!)
{Popsicle Snowman Ornament}
So, what are some other good ideas for teacher gifts? Feel free to leave a comment with the link to your gift ideas! I always love to file away great gift ideas!
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