We wanted more than just a console to hold our TV. We wanted something that was aesthetically pleasing and that would hide a lot of our kids' toys and games. One night, I found inspiration as I was looking through Craigslist ads, and came up with a solution that would meet all of our requirements.
First, we found these hideous bookcases on Craigslist for $60 for three!
Okay, so they're not THAT hideous...and please don't be mad at me if you have these same bookcases in your house! The plan was to use two of these on each end of the TV compartment.
To hold the TV, we ended up purchasing an unfinished 60 inch bathroom sink base at a home improvement store. Here it is while my husband was modifying it:
My husband added finished plywood on top of the vanity, to the sides, and then added a top on it. Next, he added crowned molding & later (no in-between pictures) a shelf, more trim to the cut edges of the plywood, & molding around the bottom to finish it off. He also added hinges to the faux drawers (where the sink would normally be) & a shelf inside (you can see the inside shelf in the above picture), which hold our video game systems and DVD player.
Here's a picture with the crowned molding added:
When we bought the bookcases to use for the sides, we thought we would have to create new doors to match the ones on the vanity. However, my husband discovered that the crazy design on the front was just a plastic plate & was easily removed. Once removed, he added molding around the cabinet doors on the bookcases to mimic the doors on the vanity. He also removed the scalloped piece & replaced the top with crowned molding to match the center piece. Then, he added molding to the bottom as well.
Here's a picture of the bookcase door adjustments:
The final steps were to prime, paint it and add hardware.
I thought the shelf seemed a little weird, so we ended up covering it with fabric and adding molding to the front of it.
Here it is today:
Sorry for the weird angle, but I didn't want my reflection in the TV!
So, what do ya think?
I'm linking to these parties:

Furniture Feature Friday