Meet Zeke, my sweet, helpful, energetic seven-year-old.
Zeke loves to be outdoors hiking, riding his bike, swimming, or just looking for bugs! We used to call him our little entomologist because he was constantly on the lookout for worms or ladybugs.
Although he has called many bugs and toads his "pets" the only real pets he has are seven tropical fish. He does pretty well at taking care of them and has finally stopped putting his hand in the water to hold them or search for missing ones under his aquarium decorations!
Zeke's favorite sport is basketball. He dreams of being a professional basketball player when he grows up! This year, he was finally old enough to play on a team. It was so fun to see him in action! He was very good defending the ball.

Roller coasters have recently become another one of Zeke's favorite things! He had never been on a "real" one until we went to Disney last summer (that's him in the front row). When the ride stopped, he stayed in the seat screaming & jumping around. My dad heard someone waiting in line say, "Wow, that kid must have had fun!". Needless to say, he rode Adventure Express several times that day! Video games and the color orange are also some of Zeke's favorite things.
Besides pickles (and pickle juice), some of Zeke's favorite foods are spinach, broccoli, and cinnamon rolls. One of his least favorite foods is chocolate! (I'm starting to wonder if this is really my child! JK!)
Zeke is a pretty creative kid & always comes up with interesting things to be for Halloween. One year he said he wanted to be an apple tree! Can you spot the bird's nest, squirrel, & falling apples? Other famous costumes include a robot, Japanese Beetle, and basketball goal.
Here's one last picture of my handsome boy! That's my daughter in the background waiting for her turn to sit on the Harley!
Well, I hope you got to know Zeke today! Come back Wednesday to see his desk transformation.