I just noticed some of these at Target the other day for $5.99. Anyway, I had been wanting a long mirror to hang above the stool in the entry way. I needed something long, that would minimize the contrast between the 18 foot wall & my 18 inch stool! I decided this mirror would work perfectly, except it needed to be beefed up a little.
My husband glued the mirror to a piece of peg board that was wasting space in the garage. I think he used a product called "Lock Tight" for this.
Then, he added some decorative chair rail around the existing frame by gluing & nailing it into the peg board.
{Pay no attention to the shopping bag on the entry table!}
He filled in the gaps with caulk and then I painted it.
I really like the results! It definitely doesn't look like a $6 mirror anymore! (I'll show a better picture of it on Wednesday, when I reveal the painted front door.)
Now, if I could just get my 5 year old to stop spending so much time in front of it! (Sadly, this is the first time we have hung a floor length mirror, so she's not used to seeing her whole body in a mirror!)
These pictures were taken before leaving for "picture day" at her school. Hopefully, she didn't make any of these faces in her pictures!
Hope your week is off to a great start!
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