Here's the before:
And, here it is now:
Last week, I decided to paint the walls "Toasted Almond" by Olympic Paints (from Lowe's). I love that it is a neutral "greige" color that works better with the fabric than the original gold paint did. We are also painting our entry way & kitchen this color.
We also finally hung the curtains my mom made for us. She actually made them in August, but I decided to add another panel, so it took a while to order more fabric & get them made. You can find the link to the lighting and fabric in this post. You can also find out how I refinished my grandfather's table here.
The blue chair in the corner was my grandmother's. She loved the color blue, & I loved the way it fit in the room without even needing to be reupholstered! The "buffet" table used to sit in the entry way of our old house. It was too long for the entry way in this house, so I moved it here and refinished it by painting it white, staining the top, & adding cute knobs from Hobby Lobby. The pictures above the table are some of my favorite "messy face" snapshots of my kids when they were babies.
The secretary was a cheap Craigslist find. You can see better pictures of it & see the before picture in this post.
I am so glad to be able to finally cross this room off the project list! After all, I originally painted it in the spring of 2010, so it has been a long time in the making! Is it just me, or does every home improvement project take a lot longer than expected?
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