Here are some pictures of the space now:
I’m hoping to find some pretty plates or other art to hang above the chair in the corner. I found the Hudson Camelback chair originally $419 from Restoration Hardware on Craigslist for $60!
And a look back at how the space looked before:
Here are links to all the projects for the room:
Flower Photography
Styling the Buffet
Sunburst Mirror
Transforming Tab Curtains
Chair Covers
Table Accessories
Chair Rail & Wainscoting
I’m really happy with the way the room turned out & so glad to get to focus my attention on some more noticeably unfinished rooms in the house!
Sharing here:
Between Naps on the Porch, The DIY Showoff, Home Stories A to Z, My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, Savvy Southern Style, House of Hepworths, The 36th Avenue, DIY by Design, At the Picket Fence, Serenity Now, Tatertots & Jello, Simple Home Life, Thrifty Decor Chick